Want To Increase Impact On Your Marketing With Authentic Storytelling?

Integrating authentic storytelling into your marketing strategy is not as daunting as it may seem. Here are some straightforward ways to infuse stories into your marketing materials, social media posts, and content. How Can I Incorporate Authentic Storytelling into My Marketing Strategy? Integrate Stories Everywhere Use stories in your blog posts, social media updates, and …

How To Write Interesting Stories For Your Business

Embrace the power of interesting stories in your marketing. A compelling narrative with a clear structure, authenticity, and emotional resonance can inspire and motivate your audience.  A personal touch can make all the difference to your reader. Don’t be shy about sharing your stories and inviting your audience into your world. Find out more about …

Compelling Stories: How To Find The Right Story To Tell

Finding the right story to tell can be challenging, but it’s essential for creating a solid connection with your audience. Well-told stories can help your audience understand your message and connect with you. You can wrap the benefits of your product or service in an easy-to-read yet informative story. One of my clients loves using …

Why Storytelling Is Crucial For Your Business Success

Storytelling isn’t just for bedtime or blockbuster movies; it’s a powerful tool in business that can create emotional connections, make your brand more relatable, and build trust with your audience. Have you ever wondered why some businesses stick in your mind like that catchy song you can’t stop humming while others fade away faster than …

Can Humor Help or Hurt Your Business Writing?

Where does humor fit into your business writing? If you are like me, humor often strikes at inopportune times. Sitting in a serious business meeting when something tickles my funny bone can quickly become embarrassing.  I try to keep things light, enjoy the moment…and not embarrass myself in serious business meetings. As a copywriter, I …

From Real Estate to Copywriting: Navigating a Seamless Transition

Like finding your perfect dream home, my journey from the real estate industry to the captivating world of copywriting required strategy, passion, and a touch of magic.  For many years my career revolved around marketing homes, showing homes, and negotiating the sale of homes. As a full-time agent, mentor, and advocate for accessible housing, I …